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Advice From A Former Student Abroad: Start Planning Early!

Maureen Grady studied abroad the fall semester of her junior year. When asking her what advice she would give to current and future study abroad students this is what she had to say:

"I studied abroad last semester in Rome, Italy. It was one of the greatest experiences of my life and I think back on it every day, remembering the amazing places I’ve been, the phenomenal food I’ve eaten, and the wonderful people that I’ve met.

The process of going abroad took a decent amount of preparation for me, because I am a physician assistant major. My freshman year I started planning the courses I was going to take and how I would have to rearrange my schedule to make this work. I highly recommend starting preparations as early as possible because it will ease the transition, and make you feel more comfortable about embarking on this huge adventure.

Preparation is also something I strongly promote for when studying abroad. Unforeseen expenses can add up, and knowing where you want to go on weekend trips will help maximize your time. Just doing some quick research can help make each trip more enjoyable. However, no amount of preparation and research can prepare you for the exciting, and sometimes draining, journey you are about to start.

One of the mistakes I made when I got to Rome was underestimating the amount of time I would have in this beautiful city. I tried to do everything at once, and, combined with my jet lag, I was completely exhausted after just three days abroad. My biggest advice for the adjustment period, whether it be a few days or a few weeks, is to relax and do activities that make you feel comfortable every once in a while. Cooking comfort food and watching a little TV was one of my ways to wind down when I started feeling overwhelmed. I also had some trouble at the beginning of my semester with feeling like a minority. I’ve never felt very out of place before and walking around Italy with my near 6-foot height and extremely pale skin, I stood out. It was a growing experience, and one that I am now incredibly grateful for.

When the semester was over, I was able to look back and see that most everything that happened while I was abroad, no matter big or small, served to teach me some sort of lesson about the world. I learned history and saw my country from a new perspective, and heard more languages than I had ever heard before. I loved walking around the streets of Rome at night and seeing families and friends from all over the world eating, drinking and laughing together under the vines and twinkle lights strung above the narrow cobblestone streets. Never take for granted this amazing time in your life. It will grow and stretch your mind in ways you never thought, and you will have more fun than you could even imagine."

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